Monday, February 23, 2009

Diverse Group

1. Jessica and I are seventeen, and Lucas is fifteen, and Jessica and I are seniors while Lucas is a junior.  Jessica and I are also girls, and Lucas is a guy.  As for ethnicities, Jessica is Chinese, Lucas is Mexican/French, and I am Jamaican.  Jessica is Christian, and Lucas and I are not religious people.  Lucas has both parents in the household and has an older sister, Jessica's parents are divorced with two siblings, and my parents are separated and I am an only child.  Jessica speaks Cantonese, Lucas and I speak only English.  Jessica and I live in San Francisco, Lucas lives in South San Francisco.  Jessica and I have piercings.

2. We are all human beings, we are all in Upper Division, we all wear corrective lenses.  We are all right handed.  We all went to preschool.

3. Jessica is very artistic and creative and knows Photoshop, and Lucas is very tech-savvy and knows Flash.  I am Group Glue.

4. A challenge that I bring is that although I can try to keep the group on track, I can get distracted as well.  Jessica is not tech-savvy.  Lucas can also be easily distracted and is a "general nuisance".

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Progress Post

Almost done, I'm just going to play around with brushes and fonts to make it look prettier and less choppy.  I'm almost there!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Reflection: Tools and Technique

In the beginning of this project I borrowed a digital camera to take pictures of the people I was going to use for my project.  Once I had all the people, I uploaded the pictures to my school account.  To put together my collage, I used the Quick Selection tool to help me cut the background out of the picture so I only had the person in it.  I then found a photo of San Francisco to use as the collage background, and used the Move tool to drag the photos over this new background.  While revising, I created a duplicate of my background in Photoshop and put that in front of everything else so it would cover everything up.  Using the Quick Selection tool again, I selected all of the area above the skyline of the background, and that would be the area that I would have the people peek through.  I used the Move tool to arrange the images of the people so that they would appear to be a part of the skyline, kind of peeking through.  I also put a layer mask over the layers that had the pictures of the people in them, so that I could use the Paintbrush to paint black over parts of it so I could successfully fade the people into the picture like I originally wanted to do.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Progress Post

It looks awful right now, but I'm in the process of making a duplicate layer and using a layer mask to gradually fade the people into the picture.  Hopefully it will make it look more natural and polished than just having them sticking out in the middle of the photo.