Thursday, November 20, 2008

This. Is. Not. Art.

This is most definitely not art.  This is trash.  It infuriates me that a person can arrange pieces of bent and broken metal and call it art.  Art is deliberate.  You mean to make something.  It doesn't have to be completely planned, but it does have intentional.  You can't haphazardly pile up broken metal and say that it's art.  Art can be trash, but only if it used to create something new.  If we say this is art, we could look inside a Dumpster or go to a landfill and claim that is art, too.  We need to draw the line somewhere.  Piling up trash is not art.


Saint Monday said...

Hi Mara-
I love how you took a stand and said that art needs to be intentional. But what if he INTENTIONALLY did this? What if it's a portrait of his mother made out of Honda bumpers? Would that change it?

Nouveau Nouvelle said...

I'm not a huge fan of modern art because I've seen some things I didn't consider art either. But I guess it all depends on what the artist's intention is behind it. Also, if it evokes an emotion it can be considered art too regardless of what it is.

This piece right here, it could be art to someone... maybe lol.

I like what Ted said.